Matching People To Positions.
Over the past 16 years, we have specialised in placing the best candidates with the best employers.
Our recruitment team all have a technical background so we don't employ sales techniques, and strive to make sure that the right person, gets the right job.
Whether you are a company looking to fill contract or permanent positions, or a candidate looking for a new role, we promise that we will give you a personalised service resulting in lasting placements.
We are dedicated to finding the right people for your company and pride ourselves on our ability to place older candidates who can bring a wealth of valuable experience to any company.
For a stretched IT department finding the time and resource to complete all operational tasks is becoming increasingly difficult to fulfil. NetShare can provide technical resource with the appropriate skills required for any given task, help with recruitment for IT roles and can assist with the continued need for technical education Key deliverables.
Help with permanent or contract recruitment processes
Special rates by working through NetShare for recruitment
Access to a highly skilled pool of technical resource
Rate card available for budget purposes
Support of all other NetShare resources for onsite engineers
Special rates for third party training
Bespoke training at NetShare
Problems addressed / customer benefits
Cover for staff holiday, sickness and high work demands
Backed by NetShare technical helpdesk
Reduction in recruitment and training costs
Employee TCO
The flexibility, choice and variety of experience that can be achieved by fulfilling temporary, contract or interim positions mean that this is an increasingly popular career choice for many professionals.
The skills and expertise offered by professional contractors is highly valued by a wealth of organisations and many of them see the engagement of short-term expertise as a key element of their recruitment strategy.
Future Focused
We look to the long term and focus a great deal of our time at the beginning of any relationship to save the time of our clients and candidates later. Our thinking is always focused on how we could do better for all - a process of continual improvement.
That's our mantra. Pushing candidates to unsuited positions leaves everyone feeling unhappy. We want to ensure our clients get the best staff, so we make sure we get to know what YOU want, and then find the jobs that meet your needs. If our candidates are happy in their new position, then our companies will be happy with the candidate. Smiles all round.
If you are looking for a contract or permanent technology position, please give us a call. We are very successful at placing candidates with all levels of experience, regardless of background or age, and we are very proud of it.